This sculpture was born of a desire to express in bronze a unique, extrodinary, glorious event recorded in The Holy Bible in the book of John in chapter 20 and verses 24 through 29. The front side depicts a vignette of the ressurrected Jesus Christ revealing himself to Thomas, the apostle. Christ is shown lifting his garment and inviting Thomas to touch his wounds and believe. Thomas, as is stated in scripture, proclaimed “ My Lord and my God “ . The opposite side of the sculpture shows three empty crosses on a hill with the words of Christ’s response to Thomas inscribed in an arch above “
blessed are they that have not seen and yet have believed “
The bronze is nine inches wide, four and one half inches deep, and six inches tall. Its patina is a creamy butterscotch with smokey white overtones and it is mounted on a black oval two inch thick marble base.

The cost of each copy is $2,575.00